Monday, June 20, 2011

Contest finished

The contest has now finished.  (Although the submission form may still seem open, late submissions will simply be ignored.)  We will download your submissions (and check their SHA-512 sums, of course) within a week.  We may e-mail you in case of problems (such as file not found); please check your mailbox regularly (once a day is suffucient).

We hope you had fun with the contest.  Thank you!

P.S.  As usual, the final and official results of the contest will be announced during ICFP in Tokyo, Japan, September 19-21 this year.  Preliminary results (perhaps those of the first round) may be published earlier via this blog.

P.P.S.  About the image(s), try running: java -jar new_books.png > lambda.png

P.P.P.S.  We received a report that some anti-virus software (and its vendor!) thinks the image is a virus.  Please rest assured - as already announced above, it is a JAR-containing PNG file we have created, hence the false alert.  We will soon replace the image with an ordinary one to avoid such confusion.


  1. Thanks a lot for organizing such a worderfully mind-drilling exercise. I loved it a lot, and now will be able to add "Lambda-calculus" (3 days) to my resume :)

  2. When we can see the results of the contest?

    We had a lot of fun with this contest, thank you very much!

  3. Great Contest. Thanks everybody.

  4. Think this has been my favourite challenge so far... Thank you for organising!

    As usual, astounded by just how good the people who participate in this are. I can't compete but always have a lot of fun trying :)

  5. Team "The SKI is the limit" would like to thank the organizers for this great contest. More than past years' contests, we found that it required knowledge about functional programming. We learned the basics during this contest in a very entertaining way! Thank you.

  6. What will happen if install file is corrupted, but it is not necessary for solution's `run`?

  7. Thank you for this most excellent edition of the contest. Heaps of fun were had.

  8. > What will happen if install file is corrupted, but it is not necessary for solution's `run`?

    We will take care of it and just skip the install script.

    In either case, we will do our best to run each submitted program. For this purpose, we may contact each team by e-mail.

  9. Thanks for the contest! Can you please contact players if their sha512sum's don't match the file? I have two files and don't know which one's hash I submitted last.

  10. > Thanks for the contest! Can you please contact players if their sha512sum's don't match the file? I have two files and don't know which one's hash I submitted last.

    Yes, we will ask the team by e-mail if we find a SHA-512 sum mismatch. Note, however, only a file having the submitted checksum is acceptable.

  11. > Note, however, only a file having the submitted checksum is acceptable.
    Do we have a week to hack sha512sum? ^)

  12. Thanks for a great contest! I especially liked the functional programming theme, and the task presentation (card images) was great, too. The unofficial contest server worked well (uninformative failure messages nonwithstanding).

    Will there be a page with links to teams websites?

  13. Thank you for the contest. Now we have a good collectible card game for weekends )

  14. Will you unfreeze the leaderboard on the unofficial server? I'd like to continue improving my solution even though the contest has ended.

  15. > P.P.S. About the image(s), try running: java -jar new_books.png > lambda.png

    That's great! Especially this:

    java -jar new_books.png > lambda.png
    java -jar lambda.png > new_books2.png
    java -jar new_books2.png > lambda2.png

  16. Great contest, thanks a lot! Time to sleep now (and ruminate about all the improvements that could have been made ;-)

  17. In what PL written matching program ltg, given in task?

  18. > Will you unfreeze the leaderboard on the unofficial server? I'd like to continue improving my solution even though the contest has ended.

    No, unfortunately, because that would reveal too much information toward the final results (which would be announced during the conference in Tokyo this September). You can still see in "My Page" the match results for your player program.

  19. Thanks for coming up with an interesting task,
    and for smoothly running the contest.

    Will there be a page with links to teams websites?


  20. Amazing task, thanks a lot!
    Can't wait to see at least some kind of results.
    Another opportunity to see how much more one has to learn.

  21. This contest is a great contribution to functional programming -- I can imagine pointing future students to this problem and having them practice their lambda and SKI skills by writing their own bots.

  22. Please send your write-ups to this sub-reddit:

    Nice contest!

  23. I can only agree with everybody else. This was really an excellent contest. Thank you very much for organizing.

  24. Thanks a lot! You made the best contest ever.

    About the duel server, may me you could at least indicate on the teams' pages whether they are _currently_ in top30 or not? It is interesting whether my program beats loosers like me or real people :)

  25. Thanks organizers, you're the best! The funniest contest I've ever seen.

    My writeup is at

  26. Great problem where it really felt good being a language geek with a hang for programming functionally! Thanks to the organizers for preparing and running this contest smoothly; it has definitely been among the best ones...

  27. > In what PL written matching program ltg, given in task?


  28. Very interesting contest! Thanks to organizers!

  29. Suggestion for the duel server: when clicking on another team's page, at least show the date/time when their submission was last updated. I'm improving my bot and I want to know if those I'm dueling with are old or new.

  30. As a late update, my (brief) summary is at:

    This includes links to my source tarball, and also a set of slides for a small presentation I did about the contest and some of the techniques I used...
